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"Bubbles" - 1921 Natchez High School Yearbook

"Echoes of the Natchez High School" was first published by the class of 1919-20 as the result of a general desire of all the students for a school paper.  During that year seven issues were published showing that the paper was loyally supported and was in every way a practical undertaking.  We are sorry to say that our school had never before boasted of a permanent paper, although several fruitless attempts had been made in years gone by.  We can easily call to mind the journal printed within the last four years which failed after the second or third issue and there may be some who can recall attempts made even before that time, but we are safe in saying that no paper ever published by the student body of N. H. S has been such a marvelous success at the "Echoes."

    Not wishing the paper for which they had worked so earnestly to vanish into the past as a pleasant memory, the members of the class of 1920 decided to turn over the management to the Juniors of that year in order to make the paper a permanent feature in the school life of N. H. S.  A staff was accordingly elected and taught the principles of newspaper editing.

    The dawn of the new school season saw every one on the staff hard at work, the editor and helpers a bit ruffled and excited we admit and the advertising managers eagerly canvassing the city for ads.  We put our whole heart and soul in that initial trial and (excuse egotism) - it was a success.  We say this because we are under that impression;  do not destroy our happiness by telling us otherwise.

    At the time of this writing seven issues have been put before the public.  We have endeavored to make them as nearly infallible as possible but the imperfect work of human hands especially that of high school students must be excused.  Imagine our chagrin when it was discovered that the work [sic] "grease" was misspelled in one of the advertisements.

    In conclusion we wish to thank the merchants for their support so far and solicit their co-operation in the future.  With their aid the paper can be made a lasting journal and some day the gray-haired graduates of 1921 will be able to read of the latest news at N. H. S.
                                                                                           - Norman Stattman, Editor

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