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"Bubbles" - 1921 Natchez High School Yearbook

El Club Espanol

Members were not specifically identified in Photo
See list of members below

    El Club Espanol was organized by the second year Spanish Class with the help of Miss Lela Maye Bullen, the Spanish and French Teacher.  A few other Spanish speaking pupils and Miss Ouida Lowry, Algebra teacher, were invited and they accepted with pleasure.  Meetings are held every first and third Wednesday of each month.
Senor Jonas Lehmann, Jr.........President
Senorita Lucy Brasfield..........Vice President
Senorita Marion Till...............Secretary and Treasurer

Senorita Lela Maye Bullen
Senor Albert Rollins Eidt
Senor Locie Godard
Senor Marshall Hicks
Senor Reber Henderson
Senorita Ouida Lowry
Senor Orrick Metcalfe
Senor Joe Owings
Senor Billie Roth
Senorita Mary Trudell

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