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"Bubbles" - 1921 Natchez High School Yearbook

Home Economics Department

Note:  Individuals in photo were not identified.

    The introduction this year of a Department of Home Economics into our high school has fulfilled a long felt need and has been heralded by the enthusiastic approval, not only of our high school girls, but of former graduates and others desirous of taking the course.  For many years the School Board has planned to establish such a department, but never until this year have our hopes been realized.

    Two large sunny south rooms on the first floor have been transformed into well equipped kitchen laboratory and sewing room.

    The course offered consists of a study of foods, clothing, and art relating to the household.  our work in subject matter and type of instruction has met with the approval of the State Vocational Home Economics Supervisor, who inspects our department at intervals.  Her approval means that our department has met the requirements for vocational home economics, as stated in the Smith-Hughes Law, and is ranked as vocational home economics, and thereby entitled to State aid.  This is an accomplishment of which we are very proud, as few schools reach that distinction the first year.

    There are forty-seven girls enrolled in the department;  the majority of these are high school girls, but many are post graduates and others have availed themselves of the opportunity to take the course and are among its most enthusiastic supporters.

    In order to raise funds for needed equipment, the home economics department has capitalized upon the prodigious and never-failing hunger of high school boys and girls, and by making and selling sandwiches to satisfy this unfailing hunger have secured money to buy much needed equipment.  Again the girls came bravely to the front in helping to secure funds for our reading room.  The boys contributed sugar and the girls made it into delicious candy, which won for them an enviable reputation as excellent amateur candy-makers.

    Great praise is due to our teacher, Miss Arnoldi who has endeavored to teach us big things as well as little, and what we have failed to accomplish is our own fault.

    The heartiest wish of the Seniors of this class is that it may continue many, many years and in after years we may come to this beloved Institute and see the specimens of handiwork of the coming generation.

                                                                           - Leona Herrman and Nell Fatheree

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