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"Bubbles" - 1921 Natchez High School Yearbook

The Minnehaha Camp Fire Group

Members were not specifically identified in Photo
See list of members below

    The Law of the Fire:
                        Seek Beauty,
                        Give Service,
                        Pursue Knowledge,
                        Be Trustworthy
                        Hold on to Health,
                        Glorify Work,
                        Be Happy.

            The Minnehaha Camp Fire Group was organized in December with Miss Chance as guardian.  The girls have enjoyed many hikes;  but besides the good times they have had, they have learned to do many interesting things in order to win the honor beads.  Each girl is trying to live up to the Law of the Fire.

Cheemitawa Richardson.........President
Lewa Whitney.........................Treasurer
We chee we Wilds..................Secretary
Dirjasdi Fitzpatrick
Tauki Miles
Petaga Dixon
Owaissa Hale
Kish Shaw
Ki ri ki Wilson
Alkulana Farr
Wata Moody
Killooleet Brasfield
Wetsoe Chance, Guardian

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