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Why Check Spanish Records
Order respecting Matrimony 1777 - 1802

Why Check Spanish Records
A regular question is why should I look in the Spanish records (which are all Roman Catholic) when the person I am searching for was a good solid rock hard Baptist?

The answer is that everyone living in Spanish held territory had to swear an oath to the King (most did so with their fingers crossed).  This made them citizens of Spain and subject to it's laws and regulations.

The local commandant was very liberal and looked the other way, knowing that he had protestant preachers, etc. running around loose, but still wanting and needing people to fill up his territory, work, and bring in taxes.

The King found out and was not happy. The King reminded everyone that Spain was a Catholic land, and only Catholic services would be recognized. If you wanted your children to be legal, and be able to inherit property, you had better obey his rule and be a Catholic.

Some people did, some people did not.  Some married "out of the Church" and then had their marriges recorded by the church.   SO - you can frequently find someone in the Catholic church records even though they were not Catholic - at least during the Spanish reign.

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Order respecting Matrimony
Transcript of Original Spanish Records, 1777 - 1802
BOOK NINE, PAGE 413-414.
WHEREAS our gracious Sovereigh is always attentive to the welfare and real????? of all his beloved subjects, and wishing by all means to promote among those of his new acquired Dominion the same advantages that are enjoyed by his other subjects, His Majesty has taken into mature consideration the situation of the Inhabitants of Louisiana and both Flordias, not only by the exact complyance of the Treaty of the year 1783 with Great Britain, but likewise extending further his Royal ??????? views has considered as a very great advantage to the domestic concern of his beloved subjects of said Louisiana and Flordias that do not profess the Catholic R. Religion to furnish them the means of legitimating their posterity establishing a fixed and permanent method of celebrating their contracts of Matrimony. In consequence thereof His Majesty having consulted this important matter has determined and ordained that hence forth all the contracts of Matrimony among his beloved subjects either Protestant with Protestant or R. Catholic with Protestant shall be celebrated by the Parish Priests established in his said Dominions who are by the same Regulation are ordered to make an exact record thereof under the rites prescribed to ??????? for the said purpose and likewise to Christian Children of the said Inhabitants without distinction and pay the greatest attention to ??? instruction it being one of the principal Duties of their Pastoral Obligations.
In Consequence of the antecedent ???? Royal determination: All the persons hereto for authorized to celebrate Contracts of Matrimony are prohibited to preform any more of the said contracts, the publick [sic] being hereby informed that they will be of no value, deemed nul and subject to be reproved by the law.
All the Alcaldes of this goverment and every person to whom it may appertain are ordered to publish this regulation and see it exactly complyed with.
Given under my hand and countersigned by His Majesty's Secretary Goverment at Goverment House the 20th September 1793.
                                  Manuel Gayoso de Lemos
                                  Jh. Vidal

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