
The Author - John William Wade

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The Beginning

Life in Mississippi for the Choctaws

Five Civilized Tribes

Atoka Agreement

Tribal Rolls

Claims by Mississippi Choctaws

Supplemental Treaty of 1902

Establishing a Claim

The Case of Riddle, el al 
vs. Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes

Protections in the Supplemental Treaty of 1902

Lawyers and Real Estate Agents

Creation of Corporations

Supplemental Treaty


Need for a New Treaty


The Character of the Choctaw

The Future of the Choctaw

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From Publications The Mississippi Historical Society, Vol. VIII, 
Edited by Franklin L. Riley, Secretary
Published Oxford, Mississippi 1904

Public Domain Material 
May not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

Copyright 2001 - All Rights Reserved
Ellen Pack

     The Author - John William Wade
     John William Wade was born on a small farm about five miles south of Morton, Scott county, Miss., on October 14, 1877, the eldest of eight children. 

     His parents were Azariah LaFayette Wade and Susan Ellen (Lingle) Wade. On his mother’s side Mr. Wade is of English and Dutch descent. His paternal ancestors emigrated from Ireland to this country in colonial times, settling in Maryland. They moved through the Carolinas and Georgia to Mississippi soon after its admission to the Union, locating in what afterwards became Jasper and Jones counties. 

     Mr. Wade’s grandfather, Isaac Jackson Wade, with his several brothers enlisted in Company A of the Fortieth Regiment of Mississippi Volunteers in the Confederate army, some of whom fell fighting for the Southern cause. 

     His paternal grandmother was Miss Adaline Tullos, a cousin of the mother of Senator A. J. McLaurin; another of her cousins was mother of the Rev. M. T. Martin, the late Baptist evangelist. 

     Soon after the war Isaac Jackson Wade moved with his family to Scott county, Miss. Mr. Wade’s father located on a woodland, where he spent his life improving his little farm. Being a poor man, he was able to give his children only limited educational advantages. His eldest son, William, entered the country schools at the age of nine, where he spent from two to three months a year, the remaining portion of his time assisting his father in farm work. 

     Beginning at the age of sixteen he taught in the country schools during the winter months, and helping on the farm during the remainder of the year. In September, 1896 he secured the principalship of the Pulaski High School, which position he held for two sessions. For about three months in 1897 he was a student in Millsaps College. In 1898 he entered the University of Mississippi, where he was a student for four successive sessions, paying his expenses by teaching country schools during the summer vacations. 

     During this time Mr. Wade completed three courses of study, taking his bachelor’s degree in June, 1901, to be followed a year later with the degree of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws. In the law school he was graduated with special distinction at the head of his class. 

     In July, following his graduation, he entered upon the practice of law at Wilburton, Indian Territory. The following December he was appointed Mayor of Wilburton, a coal mining town of 5,000 inhabitants. In the following April he was chosen to succeed himself by a vote of the people. 

     In September, 1903, because of the recent death of both of his parents, Mr. Wade found it necessary to return to Mississippi. The autumn months he spent at the old home helping to gather the crop. In December, 1903, he and one of his former schoolmates opened a law office at Greenwood, Miss., under the firm name of Whetstone and Wade. —EDITOR.

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