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(Continued) Natchez, Adams County, Mississippi 1886 Census

North Suburban Buildings - Schedule B

Compiled by Robert "Bob" Shumway

This material is copyrighted. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. No part of this database may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the author. Ellen Pack

Return to Table of Contents

NO STREET- MATERIAL- FOR WHAT USED- No. of STORIES- Whether Occupant is Owner or Renter

1 Frame Dwelling Two Owner

2 Frame Dwelling Two Owner

3 Frame Dwelling Two Owner

4 Frame Store One Owner

5 Frame Dwelling Two Renter

6 Brick Dwelling Two Renter

7 Frame Dwelling One Owner

8 Frame Dwelling One Renter

9 Frame Dwelling One Owner

10 Frame Dwelling One Owner

11 Frame Dwelling One Owner

12 Frame Dwelling One Owner

13 Frame Store One Renter

14 Frame Dwelling One Renter

15 Frame Dwelling One Renter

16 Frame Dwelling One Owner

17 Frame Dwelling One Renter

18 Brick Dwelling One Renter

19 Frame Dwelling One Renter

20 Frame Dwelling One Owner

21 Frame Dwelling One Renter

22 Frame Dwelling One Renter

23 Frame Dwelling One Owner

24 Frame Dwelling Two Owner

25 Frame Store One Owner

26 Frame Dwelling One Owner

27 Frame Dwelling One Renter

28 Frame Dwelling Two Renter

29 Frame Dwelling One Owner

30 Frame Dwelling One Owner

31 Frame Dwelling One Owner

32 Frame Dwelling One Owner

33 Frame Dwelling One Owner

34 Frame Store One Owner

35 Frame Dwelling One Owner

36 Frame Dwelling One Renter

37 Frame Dwelling One Renter

38 Frame Dwelling One Renter

39 Frame Dwelling One Renter

40 Frame Dwelling One Owner

41 Frame Dwelling One Renter

42 Frame Dwelling One Renter

43 Frame Dwelling One Owner

44 Frame Dwelling One Renter

45 Frame Dwelling One Renter

46 Frame Dwelling One Owner

46 Frame Dwelling One Renter

47 Frame Dwelling One Renter

48 Frame Dwelling One Renter

49 Frame Dwelling One Owner

50 Frame Dwelling One Renter

51 Frame Dwelling One Owner

52 Brick Dwelling Three Renter

53 Brick Dwelling Two Renter

54 Frame Dwelling One Owner

55 Frame Dwelling One Owner

56 Frame Dwelling One Owner

57 Frame Dwelling One Renter

58 Frame Dwelling One Renter

59 Frame Dwelling One Owner

60 Frame Dwelling One Owner

61 Frame Dwelling One Owner

62 Frame Dwelling One Renter

63 Frame Dwelling One Owner

64 Frame Dwelling One Owner

65 Frame Dwelling One Owner

66 Frame Dwelling One Owner

67 Frame Dwelling One Owner

68 Frame Dwelling One Owner

69 Frame Dwelling One Renter

70 Frame Dwelling One Owner

71 Frame Dwelling One Renter

72 Frame Dwelling One Owner

73 Frame Dwelling One Owner

74 Frame Dwelling One Owner

75 Frame Dwelling One Owner

76 Frame Dwelling One Owner

77 Frame Dwelling One Owner

78 Frame Dwelling One Renter

79 Brick Dwelling One Renter

80 Frame Dwelling One Renter

81 Frame Dwelling One Renter

82 Frame Dwelling One Owner

83 Frame Dwelling One Renter

84 Frame Dwelling One Renter

85 Frame Dwelling One Owner

86 Frame Dwelling One Owner

87 Frame Dwelling One Owner

88 Frame Dwelling One Owner

89 Frame Dwelling One Owner

90 Frame Dwelling One Renter

91 Frame Dwelling One Renter

92 Frame Dwelling One Owner

93 Frame Dwelling One Owner

94 Frame Dwelling One Owner

95 Frame Dwelling One Renter

96 Frame Dwelling One Owner 


Copyright Notice:

All files and graphics on this site are copyrighted by their creator. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced electronically or otherwise without specific permission from the county host and/or the contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.


Unless otherwise indicated, written permission
by the webmaster is necessary in order to
download files and/or graphics.

Copyright 1996 -2003 Ellen Pack All Rights Reserved.

