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(Continued) Natchez, Adams County, Mississippi 1886 Census

North Suburban - Schedule C - Churches, Schools, etc none, Schedule D - Manufactures, Etc, Individual Recapitulation

Compiled by Robert "Bob" Shumway

This material is copyrighted. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. No part of this database may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the author. Ellen Pack

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Total Number of inhabitants.............................493

Number of whites, male, over 21 years of age............30

Number of whites, male under 21 years of age............22

Number of whites, females, over 21 years of age.........25

Number of whites, females, under 21 years of age........27

Number of colored males over 21 years of age............80

Number of colored males under 21 years of age...........111

Number of colored females, over 21 years of age.........84

Number of colored females under 21 years of age.........114

Number native born......................................472

" foreigners.......................................21

" ministers........................................4

" lawyers..........................................

" physicians.......................................

" merchants........................................3

" mechanics........................................

" butchers.........................................10

" brokers..........................................

" teachers.........................................1

" barbers..........................................

" clerks ..........................................3

" milliners and dress makers.......................

" farmers or planters..............................26

" servants and laborers............................61

" miscellaneous....................................385


Total number of buildings...............................96

Number frame............................................90

" brick............................................6

" stone............................................

" Owners...........................................57

" renters..........................................59

" dwellings........................................92

" stores...........................................4

" stores and dwellings.............................

" warehouses.......................................

" factories........................................


Number Churches.........................................

" schools..........................................

" pupils...........................................

" orphan asylums...................................

" inmates..........................................

" hospitals........................................

" patients.........................................

" miscellaneous....................................


Number manufactories....................................

Amount of capital employed..............................

Greatest number of hands employed.......................

Average number of hands, male, above 16.................

Average number of hands, female, above 16...............

Average number of children..............................

Value of products.......................................

I hereby certify the foregoing recapitulation is true and correct, as taken from the census book for the.........



Natchez, Sept. 1st, 1886 


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